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Common Mistakes to Avoid on your Shopify website.

by Ampify Me June 30, 2023

As a Shopify merchant, it's crucial to be aware of common mistakes that can hinder your success. Fortunately, you can plan to avoid some of them– at least the most common ones. In this blog, we will discuss some frequent errors and by avoiding these pitfalls and implementing the suggested remedies, you can optimize your Shopify store's performance and boost your chances of achieving long-term success.

1. Suboptimal Mobile Experience:

Mobiles are now the mainstay of ecommerce. Failing to provide a seamless mobile experience can lead to poor user engagement and lost sales:
So what can you do?
While most Shopify themes are responsive, it's critical to pay attention to the overall mobile user experience. This includes:
• Simplifying your site navigation and making sure it is streamlined and easy to use on smaller screens.
• Ensuring content is formatted correctly, and buttons are easy to click on a touchscreen.
• Ensuring that your website loads fast. Speed can have an amplifying effect on all effort you put in to your website. Steps to improve speed ranges from cleaning up old code and apps, to optimizing images, etc. You can read more here.
• Regularly test your website on different devices to ensure it delivers a smooth user experience. Identify and fix any issues or inconsistencies that you may find.

2. Inadequate Product Descriptions:

One of the main mistakes that Shopify merchants make is writing lackluster product descriptions. Shoppers rely heavily on descriptions when making purchase decisions, as they provide insight into the product's features, benefits, and use cases.
So what can you do?
Craft unique, compelling descriptions for each product, focusing on its features, benefits, and potential use. It's also crucial to incorporate relevant keywords for SEO purposes. If writing is not your strong suit, consider hiring a professional copywriter to create engaging content that sells. Consider using AI products to get you started or help improve your productivity while generating product descriptions.

3. Ignoring SEO Best Practices:

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in driving organic traffic to your Shopify store. SEO is not a "set it and forget it" thing. It's an ongoing process that requires regular tweaking and updating. Neglecting SEO best practices can limit your website's visibility in search engine results. To address this mistake, consider the following solutions:
So what can you do?
Make sure to optimize all areas of your website, including product titles, descriptions, meta descriptions, and URLs. Research relevant keywords and include them in your content. Regularly create fresh, high-quality content to improve your site’s ranking and user engagement. Read this article we wrote to improve your on-page SEO game.

4. Overcomplicating the Checkout Process:

A complex and time-consuming checkout process can discourage customers from completing their purchases, resulting in high cart abandonment rates.
So what can you do?
To simplify the checkout process and improve conversions, you need to eliminate friction wherever you find it. Some ways to do it are:
• Enable guest checkout. Allow customers to make purchases without creating an account, providing a quick and hassle-free experience for first-time buyers.
• Minimize form fields. Only request essential information during checkout to reduce friction and save customers' time.
• Offer multiple payment options. Provide various payment gateways, including popular options like PayPal and credit cards, to accommodate different customer preferences. Buy Now Pay Later offerings also helps reduce friction and increases the chances that customers may buy.
• Implement trust badges. Display trust symbols, like secure payment icons, to instill confidence in customers during the checkout process.

5. Not Utilizing Analytics:

Shopify provides a wealth of analytics to help you understand your customers' behavior. This data allows you to double down on winners, improve customer acquisition and even help with product development. However, there is no point in having data if you don’t look at them or use these tools effectively.
So what can you do?
• Integrate Google Analytics with your Shopify store. Regularly check your Shopify Analytics to gain insights about your customers, their buying patterns, and the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.
• Identify and track relevant KPIs to measure the success of your online store. These may include metrics such as average order value, customer lifetime value, conversion rate, bounce rate, and customer acquisition cost. Regularly review and analyze these metrics to identify trends and areas for improvement.
• Implement A/B testing to compare different variations of your website, product pages, or marketing campaigns. Test elements such as headlines, images, calls to action, or pricing to determine which versions perform better. Use the insights gained from A/B testing to optimize your store for higher conversions.

6. Ignoring Email Marketing:

One common mistake made by Shopify merchants is neglecting the power of email marketing. Email marketing is a highly effective tool for nurturing customer relationships, driving sales, and fostering repeat business.
So what can you do?
• Start by building an email list of your existing customers and website visitors. Offer incentives such as discounts, exclusive content, or freebies in exchange for their email addresses. Use pop-ups, signup forms, and landing pages to capture email leads.
• Once you have emails, regularly communicate with customers. Craft engaging and relevant email content that provides value to your subscribers. Include product updates, promotions, helpful tips, blog posts, or curated content. Use a conversational tone, compelling subject lines, and visually appealing designs to capture attention and encourage click-throughs.
• Utilize email automation tools within Shopify or third-party apps to set up automated email campaigns like welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, post-purchase follow-ups, and re-engagement campaigns. Automation saves time and ensures timely communication with your customers.
• Use consistent imagery, messaging, and design elements in your social media posts, email newsletters, and digital advertisements. This reinforces your brand identity and creates a cohesive brand experience.

7. Lack of customer reviews:

Customer reviews serve as powerful social proof, demonstrating to potential customers that others have purchased and enjoyed your products. A lack of reviews, or hiding negative reviews, can make customers skeptical about the quality of your products.
So what can you do?
• Integrate a live chat feature to engage better with customers. Handling their responses effectively and professionally gives you a chance to get good reviews.
• Actively encourage customers to leave reviews on your site. After a customer makes a purchase, follow up with an email asking for a review and provide a simple, straightforward way for them to do so. If you receive negative reviews, don't hide them—instead, respond professionally and use the feedback to improve. Remember, seeing a mix of reviews (both positive and negative) can actually increase trust, as it appears more authentic.

8. No Clear Branding:

One common mistake made by Shopify merchants is neglecting to establish a clear and cohesive brand identity. Without a strong brand presence, it can be challenging to differentiate yourself from competitors and build customer trust.
So what can you do?
• Start by defining your brand identity, including your mission, values, and target audience. Understand what sets your business apart and how you want to be perceived by customers. This forms the foundation for your branding efforts.
• If you can, craft a compelling brand story that resonates with your target audience. Communicate your unique selling proposition and the benefits customers can expect from your products or services. Use storytelling techniques to create an emotional connection with your audience.
• Develop a Memorable Logo and Visual Identity. This means create a professional and visually appealing logo that represents your brand's personality and values.
• Ensure your brand messaging is consistent across all touchpoints. Use a consistent tone of voice that aligns with your brand's personality and resonates with your target audience. From product descriptions to social media captions, maintain a cohesive and recognizable brand voice.

9. Not Upselling or Cross-Selling:

One common mistake made by Shopify merchants is failing to capitalize on upselling and cross-selling opportunities. Upselling involves offering customers a higher-priced or upgraded version of a product they are interested in, while cross-selling involves suggesting additional related products to complement their purchase. Neglecting these tactics can result in missed revenue and customer satisfaction opportunities.
So what can you do?
• Recommend Higher-Tier Products. When a customer shows interest in a specific product, highlight higher-tier options with enhanced features or benefits. Clearly communicate the added value they will receive by choosing the upgraded version. Using smart pricing strategies can also push people to higher products.
• Create product bundles or packages that include complementary items. When customers add one product to their cart, suggest related items that enhance their purchase. Showcase the convenience and cost-effectiveness of buying the bundled package rather than individual items. Give them a reason to buy the bundle like a lower bundle price.
• Display "Customers Also Bought" or "Frequently Bought Together" Recommendations. This technique prompts additional purchases and increases the average order value.
• Utilize customer data and browsing history to personalize upselling and cross-selling recommendations. Recommend products based on their previous purchases or items they have shown interest in.


Truth is, even as your business grows and succeeds, the mistakes don’t stop. You can try and minimize mistakes by learning from others but still mistakes will happen. A real mistake is not learning from them and trying to overcome them. Remember, continuous monitoring, adaptation, and improvement are key to staying ahead in the competitive e-commerce landscape.